Stefan Otte

Stefan is a machine learner, data scientist, ex-roboticist, and consultant focusing on deep learning and computer vision.
Practical PyTorch 101
Level: Intermediate
PyTorch is a relatively new open source deep learning and tensor platform with great GPU support.
This talk is a practical introduction to PyTorch. It introduces basic PyTorch concepts (such as tensors, autograd, nn.Modules, DataSet, DataLoader), some new PyTorch 1.0 goodness, as well as tips and tricks regarding deployment. The goal is to give you enough knowledge to make you productive with PyTorch quickly.
Practical PyTorch
Level: General
PyTorch is a relatively new open source deep learning and tensor platform with great GPU support.
This workshop is a practical introduction to PyTorch. We'll talk about:
- basic PyTorch concepts (such as tensors, nn.Module, DataSet, DataLoader),
- debugging of networks,
- application of DNNs for computer vision (and maybe more)
- some new PyTorch 1.0 features.
The goal is to give you enough knowledge to make you productive with PyTorch quickly. I assume you know the basics of deep neural networks.
Material for the workshop:
Material for the workshop: