Mark Szabo

Mark started his career in Microsoft's student program four years ago as a technology loving geek which hasn't changed a lot since then. Now he helps Independent Software Vendors and System Integrators use Microsoft's cutting-edge services to create industry-leading solutions. Moreover he is working with HoloLens, the world's first holographic computer to help Hungary's largest companies redefine their daily workloads to harness to power of Mixed Reality. He's used to talk on conferences about future technologies - like AI, Mixed Reality and Quantum Computing - and their impact on our everyday lives in the next decades.
Microsoft Ai - From Platform to Custom Solutions
Level: General
A hands-on workshop on the full Azure AI coverage with two main topics: One would be to show how other third-party solutions like TensorFlow and TensorBoard can run on the Azure AI platform demonstrating the agnostic approach. The participant will learn: to use Jupyter notebooks running on Azure how neural network are built up with the help of Keras how the same model can be built without coding in Azure ML Studio how out-of-the-box cognitive services models can be utilized to solve the same problem The second one will showcase the building process of a bot solution from scratch and some real life experience with the implementation and integration of an intelligent corporate bot. The participant will learn: to use Microsoft's language understanding service to convert a FAQ to a knowledge base to authenticate users and integrate with existing chat clients including Messenger, Skype, Teams, Slack