Levente Szabados

What is your ideal business case for AI? Non-technical workshop
Level: Beginner+
The revolution is in full swing. We read about new and new achievements from research labs around the globe - mostly from the “big players”. But with all this hype, what is the ideal use case for you and your organization?How can you know, what is just up and coming, and what is already practical reality? Leaning on the expertise on our consulting partner AI Partners, we would like to help you to separate fact from fiction and find your own potential use-cases. Based on the analysis of 3500+ AI startups and 500 specific use cases with KPIs, we are ready to give you a picture of how the market evolves, what benefits you can expect from an AI project implemented in your business, and what pitfalls should you avoid. (The workshop is targeted to business audience, so no technological expertise is required.) “Why now?” - Historical context, is there really a revolution going on? “What do we mean by AI anyhow” How do companies adapt AI? - Learnings from 500 use cases From build to buy - What is the appropriate way for my problems? Workshop: elaborating use-cases for your organisation under expert supervision (Interactive modul to identify specific use-cases to understand the practical difficulties and opportunities in implementing AI based technologies) How will my organization change? Outlook - How will my world change?Program